Accreditations excellence and awards
As a proud, reputed meat supplier, we want to ensure that all our business partners are fully aware of the company’s current background regarding the accreditation assurance schemes and awards. CMB Foods is committed to meeting our customer’s expectations in full.
It is vital that we are considered as a trusted and assured meat and meat based products supplier to all our business partners and they can rest assured that the meat products supplied by us are compliant with the relevant, well recognised, Quality and Food safety standards.
We belong to a wealth of organisations, accreditation bodies, audit bodies and support various associations that are linked to the supply, production and processing of meat. We feel this is vitally important, for both our business and our customers, as the memberships and compliance brings a tremendous amount of peace of mind.

British Retail Consortium (BRC) Global Standard for Food Safety V9 (Now BRCGS)
The BRC Global Standard for Food Safety is one of the internationally recognised certification schemes for food processors to build up an effective food safety management system. This is a widely used technical standard to benchmark the food manufacturer’s highest technical standards, controls and practices in producing safe food.
We are currently a BRC accredited site with AA grading
(Version 9). The company’s operating standards procedures, process controls and practises are challenged annually to assure the continuous and consistent compliance.

Red Tractor Meat Processing Scheme member
Red Tractor is a leading farm assurance scheme that ensures the products are traceable from farm to fork and safe food is responsibly produced. Red Tractor standards assures animal welfare, food safety, traceability and food hygiene throughout. The Union Flag in the Red Tractor logo indicates the food has been farmed, processed and packed in the United Kingdom compliant to the Red Tractor assurance standard.
They trace it, so you can trust it - we all want to know that the food we are buying is safe and this only comes from a known source (where the raw ingredients come from) and the standards to which they are produced. All suppliers who are members of Red Tractor who form the complete food chain are inspected by an independent professional certification body and certified for compliance against the relevant Red Tractor assurance standards.
To meet the demands of supplying assured meat to the foodservice sector, 85-90% of our UK origin farm assured meat is sourced from areas within 7 hours travelling time. However the company’s directors and the company buyer continuously give priority to work with Red Tractor assured supply partners who are located closer to CMB Foods Ltd where practically possible.

Quality Standard Mark
The Quality Standard Mark for beef and lamb is a scheme that provides high levels of assurance about the meat you buy. The Quality Standard for beef and lamb is the only scheme in the UK to cover eating quality.
Quality Standard beef and lamb is produced to higher standards than required by law, with a supply chain which is fully assured and independently inspected at every stage, from farm to meat counter. All beef and lamb carrying the mark is chosen according to a strict selection process to ensure it is succulent and tender.

Soil Association Food for Life approved supplier
The Food for Life programme is all about transforming food culture - making healthy, tasty and nutritious meals the norm for all to enjoy. We are listed on the Soil Association website directory as a Food for Life (served here) Supplier.

Organic Standard (Soil Association) certification and Food for Life approved meat supplier
We are currently supplying selective organic meat lines. The Soil Association standard ensures organic agriculture sustains and enhances the health of soil, plant, animal and human as one and indivisible. The organic assured lines are inspected and certified on the authenticity of organic meat annually.
CMB Foods offer our customers meat products to enable our customers to achieve the Gold, Silver and Bronze awards.

Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board Beef and Lamb
This is a division of the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) and delivers services to beef and lamb levy payers in England. It exists to enhance the competitiveness and sustainability of the English beef and lamb sector. AHDB Beef and Lamb have the following aims:
• To help the English beef and sheep meat supply chain become more efficient.
• To add value to the English beef and sheep meat industry.

Association of Independent Meat Suppliers (AIMS) member
AIMS is an association representing medium and small independent businesses in the slaughtering and further meat processing sectors. This was formerly known as the NACB (National Association of Catering Butchers) and CMB Foods has been a member for over 20 years.

Food Standards Agency (FSA) inspected
The Food Standards Agency (FSA) is an independent government body, who is responsible for protecting the public health and consumer’s interest in food by ensuring the food is safe and authentic. They also regulate compliance to high standard food hygiene practices in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. They work with local authorities to enforce food safety regulations.
Our high standard practices are challenged by periodic unannounced and announced visits by the FSA Inspectors. Since 2017, our company has been listed in the reduced announced audit frequency (once every 24 months). This frequency has been maintained in 2019.

Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board Pork
This is a division of the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) and delivers services to pig levy payers in England. They aim to add value to the English pork industry and help the English pork meat supply chain become more efficient.